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[04-19 21:55:37]   来源:http://www.suxue6.com  考研英语   阅读:8928

概要:两篇看起来大同小异的大作文,为什么一篇老师打了19分,而另一篇只给了15分?知道这四分之差意味着什么?意味着阅读错了两道题(2道题*2分),意味着完型错了八道题(8道题*0.5分)而复习这些题你又需要花费多少时间才能提高这个分数呢?每一分都很重要,听专家的,快速提升主观题成绩,让成功来的更容易些。考研英语全程班或联报班的学员都有机会学习新东方名师姜丽蓉考前高分必读班,包括作文班、翻译班。详解考研英语主观题答题模式,让你迅速攻克主观题,提高成绩。下面是本次作文批改的题目以及考研教研员对学员的作文批改范例,是从学员作文中经常出现的1、词汇错误2、语法错误3、句式错误4、主题立意5、篇章结构 等方面进行的批改。作文话题是:2008年考研英语写作真题 2008年考研英语写作真题Directions:Write an essay of 160~200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its inte...





  下面是本次作文批改的题目以及考研教研员对学员的作文批改范例,是从学员作文中经常出现的1、词汇错误2、语法错误3、句式错误4、主题立意5、篇章结构 等方面进行的批改。






  Write an essay of 160~200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) give your comments。


  You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your rommate always has friends visiting。

  Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and ask for a new room next term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reasons。



  Collaboration  is of the utmost importance to be human beings.Everybody not only needs chacrect [e1]  individual character ,but  also  demands collaboration 。

  As is described in the picture , Though two man who both lost legs that  right  and  left, [e2] they are  running  to  cooperate  [e3] each  other. Collaboration help[e4]  them step out of difficulties. Cooperation is used in  our lifves[e5]   in generrally .Such as: [e6] business ’[e7] team work ,study partner ,interest group,discution[e8]  group, band  and so on.They are[e9]  all club together。

  Help[e10]  each other  can improve  efficiency . For istance[e11]  , team work is used in vast majority factorty[e12]   in moden life.We always to[e13]  see that  a  process of sweater ,one group disposal[e14]  wool, an other  team  make  string, other  peoples[e15]   change the string to sweater 。(此句错误较多,没有掌握一个。。一个。。另一个的表达法,应为one …another…another)A sweater is  made by some people or groups not only (by)one. We is bring around the tabel by foreman, (不理解你这句话的意思)dishes are  appeared  on table by waiter or waitress , cate is cooked by kitchener, cash is pay[e16]  on counter in  restaurant.we finished have [e17] dinner in their help[e18]  each other .So many things of result[e19]  need effort of no-one[e20] .Collaboration is important  in life.                                                         

  To sum up,we should keep collaboration in general .It can help us filish[e21]  many  things that we can not do it by one.I was convinced cooperation can improve work productiveness in meliorate[e22]   life, Help our society will be better palce for us to live in。(此句有误,应改为helping our society to be better place for us to live in。)







  I am student who live in a room in college which share with another student.I am in troubble[D24]  .I need your help.I find it I can not very difficult to work [D25] .The immediate cause[D26]  is my rommate always has friends visiting[D27] . They disturb me all the while[D28]  .  So I want to change my room . A single room is best choose[D29] . Thanks。

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