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Try to Remember the Good Things回忆美好

[12-27 00:02:07]   来源:http://www.suxue6.com  双语阅读   阅读:8671

概要:When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remember how it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial.When life throws you one more obstacle than you think you can handle, remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end. In doing so, you'll find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your way.When you find...
Try to Remember the Good Things回忆美好,标签:双语阅读大全,http://www.suxue6.com

  When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remember how it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial.

  When life throws you one more obstacle than you think you can handle, remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end. In doing so, you'll find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your way.

  When you find yourself drained and depleted of energy, remember to find a place of sanctuary and rest.

  Take the necessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy, so you'll be ready to face each new day.

  When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.

  When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.

  My mind has a vast storage of memories. What’s incredible is that, when I recall any memory no matter how trivial, it has the same effect on my brain as experiencing that event for the first time right now. My brain does not know the difference between now and thememories of yesteryear.







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