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knock the door 和 knock at the door

[05-06 04:21:40]   来源:http://www.suxue6.com  教研资讯   阅读:8427

概要:有一位英语初学者心血来潮,在自己宿舍的门上写上Knock the door before coming in 这样一句英文。说来也巧,不久他的同学就来拜访他,见到门上醒目的英文顿时忍俊不禁,继而就按主人的吩咐去做了。谁知主人一听到"砰"、"砰"的猛烈敲门声大为恼火,冲到门口一看,敲门的是自己的挚友。经他朋友一解释,他才恍然大悟,马上拿笔在knock之后,加上了介词 at。原来, "knock the door"和"knock at the door" 所表达的意思大相径庭,前者意为 "猛敲门",而后者表达的才是通常所说的 "敲门" 之义。其实,英语中诸如此类的容易用错的动词为数不少,这里再选一些常见的动词,将其分为两大组,分别讨论它们和介词at 搭配使用时所具有的特殊含义。(一) catch / catch atclutch / clutch atgrasp /grasp athit / hit atshoot /shoot atstrike /s...
knock the door 和 knock at the door,标签:教研资讯大全,http://www.suxue6.com

有一位英语初学者心血来潮,在自己宿舍的门上写上Knock the door before coming in 这样一句英文。说来也巧,不久他的同学就来拜访他,见到门上醒目的英文顿时忍俊不禁,继而就按主人的吩咐去做了。谁知主人一听到"砰"、"砰"的猛烈敲门声大为恼火,冲到门口一看,敲门的是自己的挚友。经他朋友一解释,他才恍然大悟,马上拿笔在knock之后,加上了介词 at。原来, "knock the door"和"knock at the door" 所表达的意思大相径庭,前者意为 "猛敲门",而后者表达的才是通常所说的 "敲门" 之义。其实,英语中诸如此类的容易用错的动词为数不少,这里再选一些常见的动词,将其分为两大组,分别讨论它们和介词at 搭配使用时所具有的特殊含义。

(一) catch / catch at
clutch / clutch at
grasp /grasp at
hit / hit at
shoot /shoot at
strike /strike at

How did you catch the big fish?? 这条大鱼你是怎样抓到的?

He caught at the feather floating in the air, but didn't it.

A stranger suddenly clutched him by the hand from behind.

A drowning man will clutch at a straw. 溺水者连稻草也要抓。

The policeman grasped the thief by the wrist. 警察抓住小偷的手腕。

Don't grasp at the delicate branch,or you may break it.

Raising his fist,the man hit the boy on the forehead.

The man hit at the boy with his fist,but it narrowly missed him.

The warden shot the prisoner who was attempting to escape.

The hunter shot at the running deer,but missed it.

At the moment the warden came in with a whip,so the prisoner thought he was going to strike him. 这时看守提着鞭子进来了,犯人心想看守要抽他了。

The warden struck at the prisoner with his whip,but it didn't fall on his body but on the wall.? 看守举鞭朝犯人打去,但鞭子没打在犯人身上却打在墙上。

通过比较不难看出,当动词catch,clutch和grasp单独使用时意为“抓住”,而catch at,clutch at和grasp at意为“想去抓”,“朝(向)……抓去”,但却没有抓到。换言之, 以表示方向。同样,hit和strike意为“打”,而 hit at 和 strike at 意为"朝……打",但却没有打中。shoot 和 shoot? at 的区别也很类似,因此,不能说:

The hunter shot the running deer, but he missed it.
(二) shout to / shout at???? throw to / throw at
I shouted to the boy across the river at the top of my voice, but he still couldn't hear me clearly.?? 我朝河对岸的男孩大声呼喊,但他仍旧听不清。

It's bad manners to shout at people.?? 对人大嚷大叫是不礼貌的表现。

Jack threw the ball to me.? 杰克把球掷给我。

Jack threw the ball at me.? 杰克有意用球砸我。



1.It's hardly possible for you to ___ the running dog.(catch / catch at)
2.Bob ___ the nail with a hammer,but missed it.?? (hit / hit at)
3. He is such a good hunter that he can even ___ a flying sparrow. (shoot / shoot at)
4.John the ball ___ Bob just in time and Bob made a good shot. (throw...at / throw...to)
5.Don't ___ me! It's more than I can bear.?? ( shout to /shout at)

1. catch
2. hit at
3. shoot
4. threw...to
5. shout at

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