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英语教案-新教材unit 5-教学教案

[10-05 22:00:23]   来源:http://www.suxue6.com  高一英语教案   阅读:8965

概要:Steven Spielberg Teaching aims and demands:1) To train the students’ ability of reading2) To talk about some famous actors, actresses and directors3) To learn something about Steven SpielbergTeaching focuses and difficulties:1) To understand the passage2) To learn something from Steven SpielbergTeaching aids: Tape-recorder Teaching procedures:Pre-reading Free talk with the students and enjoy some pictures.(films/ actors/actresses/directors...
英语教案-新教材unit 5-教学教案,标签:英语教案模板,人教版高一英语教案,http://www.suxue6.com

Steven   Spielberg


Teaching aims and demands:

1)      To train the students’ ability of reading

2)      To talk about some famous actors, actresses and directors

3)      To learn something about Steven Spielberg

Teaching focuses and difficulties:

1)      To understand the passage

2)      To learn something from Steven Spielberg

Teaching aids:   Tape-recorder

Teaching procedures:


  Free talk with the students and enjoy some pictures.(films/ actors/actresses/directors)


1. Listening

Listen to the tape and tick the things that are mentioned in the passage.

  Oscar (   )   birth year (   )   Sophie’s Choice (   )   Schindler’s List (   )  

Speed (   )    Schooling (   )     The Matrix (   )    Film Academy (   )  

marriage and family (   )    ET (   )

2. First-reading

multiple choice :

1)      How many of Steven Spielberg’s moives are mentioned in the passage_______?

A. 5     B. 6     C. 7   D. 8

2)      When he was young, Steven Spielberg took English as his major______.

A. because it was his dream           B. because he didn’t do very well at school

C. in order to get a job in a film studio   D.because English is his mother tongue

3)      The phrase “take off”( in Para2 ) has the same meaning as the one in “_______.”

A.      The plane was crashed soon after it took off

B.      He took off his hat and said hello to me

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