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初中一年级下学期Lesson 111教学设计-教学教案

[09-09 22:12:54]   来源:http://www.suxue6.com  初一英语教案   阅读:8396

概要:Lesson 111教学设计示例一、教学目标1.知识目标(1)复习交通方式。(2)学习句型:How does he/she go to work? How do you usually come to school?2.能力目标进一步熟练交通方式的表达。二、教学过程Step 1 Revision1 Revise by bus / car / bike, on foot, etc. by using flashcards. Ask individual students How do you usually come to school?2 Revise sometimes, often and usually. Explain that these are adverbs of frequency. It may help to draw a timeline as follows:3 Check homework. (The short passage and sentences as required in Exx. 3 and 4 of Wb Lesson ...
初中一年级下学期Lesson 111教学设计-教学教案,标签:英语教案模板,初一英语上册教案,http://www.suxue6.com

Lesson 111教学设计示例




(2)学习句型:How does he/she go to work? How do you usually come to school?




Step 1 Revision

1  Revise by bus / car / bike, on foot, etc. by using flashcards. Ask individual students How do you usually come to school?

2  Revise sometimes, often and usually. Explain that these are adverbs of frequency. It may help to draw a timeline as follows:

3  Check homework. (The short passage and sentences as required in Exx. 3 and 4 of Wb Lesson 110)

Step 2 Presentation

Ask students, getting a show of hands for each question, Who has a bike? Who rides their bike to school every day? Who sometimes rides their bike to school? Who often rides their bike to school? In small groups, have students talk about how they come to school. Have the students say, I often / sometimes / usually go to school ……

Step 3 Read and act

1  SB Page 58, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 111. Books closed! Ask, and write on the Bb, Why is Mr Wu walking to school today? Why is Mr Green walking to school today? Play the tape, students listen for the answers. Check the answers. (Mr Wu likes to walk sometimes. Mr Green is walking to school today because his bike is broken.) Play the tape again, and have students write down all the words they hear. Ask the students to volunteer what they hear. Write the answers on the Bb. (If a student hears something that was not on the tape, dont say that they are wrong. Say You are listening hard, though your answer isnt quite right. Keep trying!)

2  In pairs, have students practise reading the dialogue. Point out that the short form Morning is less formal than Good Morning. The negative form of Dont you usually come to school by bike? shows surprise.

3  Use Wb Lesson 111, Ex. 1 for comprehension practise.

Step 4 Ask and answer

SB Page 58, Part 2. Discuss each picture with the class, then get the students to ask and answer in pairs, for example, How does Mr Green / Miss Gao / Mr Smith go to work? Check the answers in random order.

Step 5 Survey

SB Page 58, Part 3. Group work. Ask the students How many students in your group come to school on foot/by bike/bus/car? Get each group to report its answers. Write the results in figures on the Bb. Then ask How many students in the class come on foot? Students work out the answer from the figures on the Bb. They write the answers in Wb Lesson 111, Ex. 3. Ask the students to spell out the numbers in English.

Step 6 Workbook

SB Page 139, Wb Lesson 111. Ex. 2 aims at revising the use of prepositions. Ex. 4 requires the correct use of verb forms. They should be done in class.


Revise the dialogue in SB Lesson 111.

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